Gold, gold, gold

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Gold, gold, gold
This top is super flattering with the cuts hitting at all the right places. It has a plunging neckline but it isn't too deep, it has the hourglass shape giving your figure definition, and it flows at the bottom so no exposed bellies (perfect for the nights where you aren't feeling your best). I think it looks great with these pleated pants because they become skinny pants at the bottoms so it is not a completely loose fitting outfit. The pants also make the look more sophisticated as opposed to pairing the top with regular black skinnies. I decided to go all gold with accessories because of the softer white hue in the top. I love this clutch with its embroidery but you could also do a regular gold clutch or even put a black clutch with it. I think this clutch adds more sophistication to this outfit. The heels I paired have a gold toe and go along with the rest of the outfit. I would stick with heels for this outfit because I think anything flat would misconstrue and take away from the ensemble. This look is great for a night out or a day event at the office, you could even pair a blazer over it to make it more work appropriate.


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